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Girl Opening Fridge Door

Discover the Many Fascinating Ways Refrigerators Have Changed Our World

The way we farm, how we shop for food, and our daily diets wouldn’t exist without refrigerators. We’ll explore how the invention of the refrigerator has changed the way we live.

No More Iceboxes

The idea of keeping food cold so that it lasts longer is nothing new. Long before the invention of refrigerators, people used ice boxes and cellars. These natural solutions worked, but they were often associated with contamination, dirt, and disease due to inconsistent temperatures.

The work of scientists studying heat and cold led to the development of vapor compression refrigeration in the early 20th century. This, along with the introduction of electricity in many homes, helped the refrigerator to quickly become a common household convenience.

A Larger Selection of Foods

The refrigerator improved the ability to store food. Meat and produce could be kept cold from the time they were harvested until they reached the dinner table. As refrigeration was added to transportation modes, people no longer had to rely on local meat markets and backyard gardens for food.

For the first time, produce grown in California could be enjoyed by those living on the East Coast. Exotic foods like bananas and oranges were seen in homes across the country.

A New Diet

After World War II, refrigerators were a common household appliance. Combined with increased refrigeration storage in supermarkets, diets changed considerably. People could finally purchase and consume fruit, dairy products, and meat on a regular basis. This led to a healthier lifestyle.

As time passed, companies developed new ways to prepare and market food. With refrigeration, they were able to manufacture prepared foods and convenience items. For the first time, nationwide food brands appeared in grocery stores. These companies brought everything from TV dinners to frozen desserts into American homes.

Reducing Food Waste

One of the major changes the refrigerator brought about was a reduction in food waste. Families no longer had to throw out meat and produce that spoiled way too quickly. This continues to impact our climate today. Food that makes its way to the landfill gives off methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Think about all these significant advances the next time you open up the fridge to grab a snack. This one household appliance has continued to reshape the way we live with the recent introduction of smart technology. You can now check what you have on hand by accessing an app on your phone.

Reach out to our team at Signature Appliance for all your refrigerator service needs in Chattanooga, TN.