Freezers can use substantial electricity and cost a lot to run on a monthly basis. The good news is that modern freezers are impressively efficient compared to their older counterparts. The bad news is that many households don’t maintain their freezers, which costs them unnecessarily.
Schedule Regular Inspections and Maintenance
The appliance industry recommends scheduling an annual freezer inspection. An appliance specialist can perform a multipoint inspection of your freezer and identify any issues. Experts can spot refrigerant issues long before they develop into more serious problems. During an inspection, your appliance specialist will also clean the equipment and correct any normal wear and tear.
Clean the Coils
Freezers have two kinds of coils: evaporator and condenser. Evaporator coils are located inside the unit and are not easily accessed by the homeowner. They require regular cleaning, which is one reason to schedule an annual inspection. The condenser coil is the metal tubing that you can see on the outside of the unit. Depending on the design, it may be at the back or the bottom. These require annual professional cleaning as well. They’re also more prone to dust and other accumulations, so it’s a good idea to wipe them down each month.
The reason coils need regular cleaning is that they build up grime over time. That accumulation acts as an insulator and interferes with the heat exchange between the refrigerant and ambient air. When the coils are dirty, the system works harder and uses more electricity.
Inspect Door Seals and Replace as Needed
The rubber strip is what creates a tight seal between the door and freezer unit. Clean it at least once a month because dirt can interfere with the seal and let cold air escape. Over time, the rubber seal will wear out, and you should replace it before it does.
Ensure a Dedicated Circuit
Most residential freezers only need a 120-volt outlet, but a freezer should have one that is dedicated to that unit alone. Not having a dedicated line creates greater potential for surges, spikes, and overloading. All of those events cause inefficiency that can increase your costs.
Defrost Regularly
Frost buildup acts like an insulator and reduces efficiency. It reduces the available space and impacts airflow, and it can shorten the freezer lifespan over time. Most modern freezers have a self-defrost mode. Still, you should manually defrost and clean them out once a year.
Load Your Freezer Strategically
For optimal efficiency, a freezer should be well-loaded but not completely filled. There should be some room for airflow and for the thermostat to function. Too much space isn’t good for efficiency either, and you should fill it up with non-food fillers.
If you need freezer maintenance in Chattanooga, TN, call Signature Appliance today.